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11. Have and maintain clean, healthy nails

February 26, 2007: I decided to start by researching nail health on the interwebs. And I discovered that most of the nail and skin problems I were having were linked to poor moisturisation. This was a bit of a shock for me because I tend to believe that almost all beauty products are a complete waste of money. So I bought a moisturiser designed for hands and nails, and started using it daily. Within about a week, my nails (or rather, the skin round my nails, which is the big issue here) were looking a whole lot better.

Of course, I then backslid. But I'm starting again. This takes about 30 seconds to do per day. The moisturiser cost about a tenner and I guess there's getting on for a year's worth in the tub; you don't use very much (or at least, I don't use very much).

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