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10. Exercise 3 times a week.

26 February 2007: so I'm not doing yoga, and I'm not swimming. I think that counts as backsliding. I am bouncing on the bouncer very occasionally. And walking a bit.

The condition is to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3 times a week, and sustain it (at least 90%) for six months. In an 'ordinary' week we should in theory swim once, and I should do yoga once. So that only leaves one.

31 August 2006: of course, on holiday I did 30 minutes of moderately vigorous exercise every single day apart from our rest day in the middle of the holiday. Swimming, cycling, dancing, walking.

And I came home to discover that my PT Bouncer had been delivered (this is my attempt to find a compact trampoline-type-item that the whole family can use, unlike Jonathan's trampoline which is too weak for the heavy people). Rebounding doesn't really fit the 30 minutes paradigm as I'm currently at the sort of stage where 30 seconds seems pretty challenging. But they say that it's fine to do 30 seconds, or a minute, of very gentle bouncing, three times a day. We will see.

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