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April 24, 2009

A couple of bits and pieces

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I have done a proper blog post! Except that I've done it at the Proper Blog. It's a review of the Mawkin:Causley album launch, and it's exactly like I would have written it here. So go read it.

There's going to be an Utterly Fantastic Free Folk Concert in Trafalgar Square tomorrow, celebrating St George's Day. I'm multiply booked and can't go, but it's got a fantastic lineup including Seth Lakeman, Eliza Carthy, Jim Moray, Kathryn Tickell and the Demon Barbers. Free. Wow.

I can't go because we'll be holed up here planning the next plokta.con, happening at the end of May. Do all please come!

Posted by Alison Scott at April 24, 2009 09:57 AM


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