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March 21, 2007

Emily and Hazel Askew

askews.jpg Just time to mention that we saw the Askew Sisters at the folk club on Sunday night. They now have a couple of tracks (online, not for download) on myspace. We had enjoyed seeing them do a short set supporting Rachel Unthank a year or so ago, and bought their EP. They're now working on an album, largely recorded but still apparently titleless, and they were great on Sunday. I particularly like them because Hazel sings over a melodeon; this gives me heart as you can imagine.

Speaking of melodeon, I actually played out on Sunday. There's a little band at the club, consisting of anyone who turns up early, is game, and brings an instrument. I have not previously been game, but people have been very encouraging, and I took my box along this week. Very nicely, they asked me what I could play, and then started out with Winster Gallop and Rakes of Mallow. These are very easy tunes indeed, and, in particular, Winster Gallop is sort of the melodeon equivalent of 'Smoke on the Water'. It all sounds all right on the tape so it can't have been too bad.

And then Hazel Askew finished their set with Winster Gallop. Which was quite funny. Sounds better when she plays it...

Posted by Alison Scott at March 21, 2007 12:59 AM


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