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March 18, 2007

El Túnel de las Delicias

We are being driven mad by this tune, which you can download, after registering, from the Celtas Cortos website, or hear them play on YouTube. They've collaborated with the Oysterband (their collaboration on Granite Years is on YouTube), and they wrote Oyb favourite "20th of April". So. Is it the Oysterband we've heard playing this, many times? Because if so I don't think they've recorded it. Is it Davy Spillane or Afrocelts? Is it a traditional Irish jig that's in O'Neills and was picked up by Horslips or Sharon Shannon? We are both very familiar with it, but drawing a complete blank.

Posted by Alison Scott at March 18, 2007 12:25 AM


Hi Alison
I just read this old thread and hoped you can help me.......
"I have an original LP of 'The Circle and The Sqaure' which I have transerred to CD and removed the crackle with software. It sounds quite good, but I'd still like to buy the CD someday!"

I am looking for a copy of this Red Box cd for my husband but don't have the funds to buy an original. Is there any chance you would sell a copy of the cd you recorded?

Love to hear from you.

Posted by: Jill at March 19, 2007 12:55 PM

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