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October 04, 2003

Where Have I Been?

One day a couple of weeks ago, I followed a link in a comment in Teresa's blog, and found myself at Worth1000, a site largely devoted to Photoshopping, with daily contests. Reading the faq, I quickly discovered that every Photoshop I've ever done is on their cliché list of banned subjects. (I have previously done pictures with Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, MC Escher, marijuana, WTC tourist guy, screenshots of malfunctioning computer systems, and, of course, Mr Bean. Not to mention two things that damn well ought to be on their cliché list, American Gothic and the Sgt. Pepper's cover.) Whoops.

So, I've been over there, photoshopping away, and have learnt some new techniques and received one rather flukey second prize. You can see my attempts here.

Posted by Alison Scott at October 4, 2003 12:34 PM

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How dare you do that to my beloved Kylie!!! :)

Posted by: snowman at October 4, 2003 04:24 PM

Ah ha! I was wondering if you had something going on in real life that was taking you away from us, but no it was merely another computer interest. I liked the gypsy camp one, btw.

Posted by: Mishalak at October 4, 2003 04:26 PM

Was it the basketball peel that won the second prize?

Posted by: Anita Rowland at October 4, 2003 05:11 PM

Kylie was for a fatten-them-up contest; for some reason, lots of people picked her (though I was the only one who chose that image, which I thought was really asking for eight extra dress sizes). The basketball peel was the prizewinner, in 'Sports Swap'. The caravans is the only entry to date that I haven't received a 'jury prize' star for; I'm a little sore about this because a 100% record would have been nice.

Posted by: Alison Scott at October 4, 2003 08:02 PM

Could be they weren't familiar with the original of the caravans picture, and didn't recognize how artful your amendments were. For what it's worth, that was the one that impressed me most.

Posted by: Teresa Nielsen Hayden at October 6, 2003 10:28 PM

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