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September 07, 2006


It's all very busy and will be till the end of the month. But meanwhile, I think I need to namecheck Macadamia who wrote to ask me if I liked their music, which is sort of ambient. The entire album is available to download on a Creative Commons license -- isn't that cool? But it's zipped so I can't link to a track.

And a quick shout out to Canadian political blogger The Coast of Bohemia. Boy was I surprised to find your blog.

But the biggest surprise today was a bit different. There's this chap I stalk a bit online. Not a lot. I was in love with him, completely and absolutely and forever, when I was sixteen. I don't think he fancied me in the slightest. He has a very uncommon name; he's the only person with his name in the US. And he's never had any online presence to speak of really. You know, the occasional forum entry, directory listings, names of people who contribute to the local PBS station, that sort of thing. All at the other end of the country from where we used to live, but obviously the same chap. But, you know. No website, only work email, no real sense of being a web citizen.

Nevertheless, every few months, I stick his name into Google, just on the offchance. I'm not sure why. I'm hardly about to make contact.

And today, I found a photo. He was a finalist in a contest run by a local TV station. He didn't win, but they still put his photo on the website. Perfectly recognisable, despite having aged 25 years overnight.

Posted by Alison Scott at September 7, 2006 10:41 PM


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